Cavitational water processing in the vertical generator.
During of some years in the laboratory there were carried out some researches of cavitational water processing in the vertical generator. The investigations, which were based more on intuition and engeneering grip led to the receiving on the plant of the record thermal yield regarding expended electric energy k=13,4.
It is known a fact, that during the cavitation in water or wetting by water a solid surface, some quantity of energy is allocated and it leads to heating. In this work were carried out theoretical consideration of the given effects from the point of view of cluster structure of water and an experimental research of quantity of allocated energy.
Dependence of temperature on an operating time.
As we can see from these diagram, capacity of heat generation can exceed capacity of the pump in 3,5 times. It is caused by the inner coupling energy. It is finally unknown. There were carried out an experiment by definition of time, for which the effect can be supported. On the diagram we can see, that this takes place more than 4 hours and heat generation doesn’t change.
In the plant we use 10 liters of water. We can calculate how many energy is reserved in this volume in clusters at temperature 340К. Calculations give value 1,8*10^6 J. Capacity of the engine is equal 2.2 kw, i.e. capacity of internal sources is equal about 5 kw. Having divided clusters energy of water on the given capacity, we receive, that the plant should work only 6 minutes. In the experiment we received the operating time 4 hours, that is cluster destruction is not the basic energy source in the thermal pump.
In the subsequent experiments the working part of the plant has been modernized. The critical section of nozzle has been increased twice. Pressure in a antechamber has decreased owing to reduction of losses up to 15 atmospheres. Experiment was spent 19.01.2007. "Record" excess of received thermal energy above spent electric has been received. In a point of a maximum k=13,4. This phenomenal result opens an opportunity, at an output of "the thermal machine" on an optimum mode, to refuse a taking of electric energy from a power network. We shall consider it however as the preliminary result probably connected with date or time of carrying out of experiment.
Total output of thermal energy at capacity of electric motor W=2,2 of KW.
Dependence of capacity of thermal losses on temperature.